Activities is an personalized page that gives a aggregated view of all your Activities and tasks. You may have created Lead Sales Activities or Lead Tasks that are associated to the Leads or general Tasks or Sales Activities that are not associated to any Lead

With Activities, you get an aggregated view of all the Tasks and Activities

The below table explains the information is provided in the Activities page

Create Activities

  • You can create Activities by clicking + sign provided in the header section of Sales Activities

  • Visit Sales Activity page to get more details about creating and managing Sales Activities

Create Tasks

  • You can create Tasks by clicking + sign provided in the header section of Tasks

  • Visit Lead Task page to get more details about creating and managing Tasks

Completing Tasks

  • You can complete the task by clicking the Checkbox associated with the Task or Activity

  • On click of the checkbox the Task or Activity is displayed as Strike-through

The below screen shows the completed task or activity
