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Getting Started

Welcome to LeadX Experience ! The quick starter guide helps you know how to quickly login to the LeadX platform and do basic activities to get started with LeadX Platform !

Getting Started

LeadX is a SaaS based platform, and available as a web application that can be opened using leading browser

System Requirements

LeadX is a SaaS based platform completed built on AWS infrastructure. The Application is a Multi-Tenant application and its available as a Web Application and Mobile App for the customers.

Web Application

LeadX platform supports all the latest versions of Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Internet Explorer 12+ and Edge

Users & Permissions

LeadX platform provides primarily 3 types of user roles. The User roles are assigned to the Users which provides specific permissions to the Users

LeadX currently provides below 3 Primary Roles that are associated with LeadX License Type.

Basic Role is associated with Lead Gen license and if user is associated with Basic User Role then all permissions associated with Basic User Role are applied to the user

LeadX Data

LeadX platform stores following type of information in the System

Type of Information


  • Parent Organization

    A Parent Organization in LeadX platform is the organization or company information of a Customer of LeadX. The Parent Organization information is captured by LeadX Customer Success Team while on-boarding a new Customer to LeadX platform

    Parent Organization is a primary information captured in LeadX and all other information in LeadX is associated with Parent Organization.

  • Child Organization

    A Child Organization in LeadX platform is the organization or company that is Service Partner or Vendor or Channel Partner of Parent Organization. The Child Organization information is captured by LeadX Customer Success Team while on-boarding a new Customer to LeadX platform

    Child Organization is a sub organization and similar to the Parent Organization, however, the information captured by Child Organization is only available to Child Organization and manager of Parent Organization but not vice versa.

  • Lead

    A Lead is a basic information captured in LeadX platform. A Lead in LeadX contains basic information about the Lead along with Company, Contact person, Lead Value, Lead Value currency etc.

    A Lead can be Closed as Won or Lost in LeadX Platform. A Lead can also be Parked in LeadX platform if there is no major activity related to the Lead

  • Contact

    A Contact is a basic information captured in LeadX platform. A Contact in LeadX contains basic information about the Contact - Company and Contact person .

    You can capture following information while capturing the Contact information

    Contact - Company Parameters

  • Sales News

    In LeadX the Sales News is an announcement that can be made across the organization. The Sales News is accessible to all types of Users and can be viewed on both Web as well as Mobile platform

    Currently, only Manager user can create Sales News in the LeadX Platform using Web Interface.

    Sales News Parameters

  • Sales feed

    The Sales Feed in LeadX platform is a notification generated after specific events occur in LeadX.

    Typically a Sales Feed is generated

    • After creating a new Lead

  • Sales Activity

    LeadX Platform provides user a feature to add a Sales Activity or a Lead Sales Activity. The basic difference between Sales Activity and Lead Sales Activity is that Lead Sales Activity is always associated with a Lead, however, Sales Activity can be associated with a Lead or not.

    Lead Sales Activity / Sales Activity Parameters

  • Lead Task

    LeadX Platform provides user a feature to add a Task or a Lead Task. The basic difference between Task and Lead Task is that Lead Task is always associated with a Lead, however, Task can be associated with a Lead or not.

    Task / Lead Task Parameters


  • Note

    Notes are associated with the Lead generated in the LeadX platform. A note can be added by Creator of the lead as well as the Owner of the Lead.

    The notes are always displayed in the View Lead Popup in Web and Screen in Mobile which is displayed after clicking the selecting the Lead from My Pipeline


LeadX platform provides Web as well as Mobile interface to login and use LeadX Platform.

LeadX Web Login

To Login to LeadX platform using Web

Forgot Password or Reset Password

LeadX Forgot Password

If you forgot the password then Forgot Password link is provides on the Login Screen

  • Open https://<customer-name>.leadx.no on your browser

Sales News feature

Sales News is a default Landing page or screen after logging into LeadX Platform.

The Sales News page or screen displays the news generated by Manager User and the information is displayed to all the Users

The below image displays the layout of Sales News Page on Web and in Mobile

View Profile

You can view your profile information by clicking View Profile button

  • Present after clicking your name provided in the Top right corner on Web

Sales Community

Sales Community is an Organization wide view that displays all the current Leads generated in LeadX application along with its current Stage and status.

With Sales Community, you get an aggregated view of all the Leads, current Revenue, Total number of Leads, Handshakes & Hit Rate in Real Time

The below table explains the KPIs information provided in the Sales Community page

My Pipeline

My Pipeline is a personal view of the Logged in User that displays all the current Leads generated by logged in user or assigned to logged in user.

With My Pipeline, you get an aggregated view of all the Leads assigned to you or generated by you along with the KPI information such as Revenue, Leads Total, Hit Rate and handshake specific to you.


Activities is an personalized page that gives a aggregated view of all your Activities and tasks. You may have created Lead Sales Activities or Lead Tasks that are associated to the Leads or general Tasks or Sales Activities that are not associated to any Lead

With Activities, you get an aggregated view of all the Tasks and Activities

Manage Leads

  • Create Lead

    In LeadX Platform a Lead can be created by Basic user , Professional User or Manager User. The process for generating Lead by Basic user is different than Professional and Manager User.

    Basic User doesn’t have permissions to manage the Lead Life-Cycle, so basic user can create leads and make it available for Sales Team to accept the lead using Lead Handover feature

  • Manage Lead

    The Lead can be managed by either Professional user or Manager User.

    In Manage Lead you can

    • Update Lead Information


Pulse is an BI dashboard that gives a aggregated view of the organization’s current status. You can get detailed statistical information about current Leads, revenue, hit rate and handshakes.

The below screen shows how pulse dashboard is displayed


  • Rewards

    The Rewards Dashboard page displays aggregated information about all the Employees of the organization and their Reward points.

    The below screen shows how Rewards screen is displayed


Multi Organization

Coming Soon !


Coming Soon !

Customer Success Process

The customer success process describes the process workflow, stages, types of queries, service level agreement (SLA) and time frame, ticket flow, severities, product and support platform, knowledge base article links and all the process flow knowledge to understand how LeadX support team will work and make the customer happy by providing good services.
