In LeadX Platform a Lead can be created by Basic user , Professional User or Manager User. The process for generating Lead by Basic user is different than Professional and Manager User.

Basic User doesn’t have permissions to manage the Lead Life-Cycle, so basic user can create leads and make it available for Sales Team to accept the lead using Lead Handover feature

What is Lead Handover

The basic user can create a lead using basic lead generation form and use Handover to sales button to make lead available for the Sales Team

The handed over lead is saved in the New stage and gets displayed in the My Pipeline of the Manager User for further process

Generate Lead (By Basic User)

To generate a lead by basic user

  • Login to LeadX web application or Mobile App using valid User Credentials

  • To generate lead

    • In Web

      • Click on Create new lead button provided in the Header section to open New Lead Popup

    • In Mobile

      • Click on + sign provided in the header section

      • A Popup is opened, click on Lead button to open New Lead Screen

  • Enter the necessary information

  • Enter or select contact company and contact person information

  • Upload documents or photos if required

    • If you are using Web Popup then only Browse button is displayed to select and upload documents

    • If you are using Mobile App then Capture button and Browse button is displayed to user to select documents as well as capture photos using Mobile Camera.

  • Save Lead

    • Without clicking Handover to sales? button

      • If you save the lead without clicking handover to sales button then the lead will remain in your My Pipeline and the Stage of the Lead will be New

    • Click Handover to sales? and then Save the Lead

      • If you save the lead by clicking Handover to sales? button then the lead will be saved and made available to the Manager user for further action

  • Once the Lead is saved successfully, it will be available in basic user’s My Pipeline, however, if User has saved Lead with Handover to sales? button clicked, then the basic user cannot further update the lead

Generate Lead (By Professional User )

To generate a lead by Professional user

  • Login to LeadX web application or Mobile App using valid User Credentials

  • To generate lead

    • In Web

      • Click on Create new lead button provided in the Header section to open New Lead Popup

    • In Mobile

      • Click on + sign provided in the header section

      • A Popup is opened, click on Lead button to open New Lead Screen

  • Enter the necessary information

  • Enter or select contact company and contact person information

  • Upload documents or photos if required

    • If you are using Web Popup then only Browse button is displayed to select and upload documents

    • If you are using Mobile App then Capture button and Browse button is displayed to user to select documents as well as capture photos using Mobile Camera.

  • Assign lead to Self or other user before saving the Lead

  • Select the Stage of the Lead by clicking Next or Prev button

  • Select the Sub-Stage of the Lead if required,

    • You can select either Won, Closed or Parked

  • Save the Lead

  • Once the Lead is saved successfully, it will be available in Professional user’s My Pipeline and displays the appropriate Stage of the Lead

Generate Lead (By Manager User )

To generate a lead by Professional user

  • Login to LeadX web application or Mobile App using valid User Credentials

  • To generate lead

    • In Web

      • Click on Create new lead button provided in the Header section to open New Lead Popup

    • In Mobile

      • Click on + sign provided in the header section

      • A Popup is opened, click on Lead button to open New Lead Screen

  • Enter the necessary information

  • Enter or select contact company and contact person information

  • Upload documents or photos if required

    • If you are using Web Popup then only Browse button is displayed to select and upload documents

    • If you are using Mobile App then Capture button and Browse button is displayed to user to select documents as well as capture photos using Mobile Camera.

  • Assign lead to Self or any other User before saving the Lead

  • Select the Stage of the Lead by clicking Next or Prev button

  • Select the Sub-Stage of the Lead if required,

    • You can select either Won, Closed or Parked

  • Save the Lead

  • Once the Lead is saved successfully, it will be available in Professional user’s My Pipeline and displays the appropriate Stage of the Lead
