LeadX Documentation : Getting Started

Welcome to LeadX Experience ! The quick starter guide helps you know how to quickly login to the LeadX platform and do basic activities to get started with LeadX Platform !

Getting Started

LeadX is a SaaS based platform, and available as a web application that can be opened using leading browser

Refer to System Requirements for browser support and mobile app support

Customer On-boarding

LeadX Customer Success Team will communicate with you and provide you all the support to gather the On-boarding information for on-boarding you to LeadX Platform

LeadX Platform Configuration

LeadX Technical Team will Configure the LeadX platform and create your tenancy with Organizational information and User information

LeadX technical team will update On-boarding sheet with User Credentials and initial password

You can always Change the Password

Access to Application & Mobile App

After successfully completing the on-boarding process LeadX Customer Success Team will send you an Excel sheet with

  1. Access to Web Application URL https://customername.leadx.no

  2. Details to download Mobile Application from AppStore or PlayStore

Click https://apps.apple.com/in/app/leadx-360/id1479404700


Click https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.leadx

You are now all set to access the LeadX Application !

Login to Web Application

  • To login to Web Application access your Tenancy URL using browser

  • Login Screen will be displayed

  • Enter valid User Credentials such as Email address and Password shared with you by Customer Success Team

  • After Successful login you will be navigated to Sales News Page

  • The Application will show Welcome to LeadX Sales News!

  • You are all set to use LeadX Application on Web

  • Below screen shows how LeadX looks like on Web !

Login to Mobile Application

  • Download the Mobile App from AppStore or PlayStore

  • Upon successful download LeadX icon will be displayed on your mobile screen ( Search for LeadX Icon)

  • Click on the App icon to launch the application

  • Enter valid User Credentials such as Email address and Password shared with you by Customer Success Team

  • After Successful login you will be navigated to Sales News Page

  • The Application will show Welcome to LeadX Sales News!

  • You are all set to use LeadX Application on Mobile

  • The below screenshot shows how LeadX looks like on Mobile

Getting started with LeadX Application

  • To start with the application, you can quickly update your Profile information by uploading your Photo

  • LeadX encourages to use your professional photo so that other team members find it easy to identify you

Change Profile Photo

  • Login to LeadX application on Web or Mobile

  • Navigate to View Profile page

    • by clicking your name → View Profile button on Web

    • by click … button on Mobile

  • Update your Profile picture and Save the information

For Basic User

Create Contact

  • You can easily create contacts and company information by

    • Clicking Add new contact button provided in the header section of the Web Application

    • Clicking + button provided in the header section of Mobile App

Create new Lead

  • You can easily create Lead information by

    • Clicking Add new lead button provided in the header section of the Web Application

    • Clicking + button provided in the header section of Mobile App

  • Creating Lead is a super easy process for Basic User and it requires few seconds to create a new lead in LeadX

  • You need to provide Company, contact person and Lead Title

  • Upload documents, photos or images along with the lead information

  • Quickly raise a Handshake by clicking Handover to sales? button to handover lead to the Sales Team

  • That’s it lead is created for you and ready to be picked up by Sales Team !

Track Lead Progress

  • You can use My Pipeline and Sales Community pages or screens to view the progress of your Lead

  • LeadX Application has below Stages for the Lead

    • New

    • Lead

    • Opportunity

    • Proposal

    • Negotiation

    • Closed

      • Won

      • Lost

    • Parked

Sales Feed

  • Sales feed is a notification generated by LeadX for you to keep you updated with the information specific to your Leads

  • You can receive general Sales Feed and Special Sales Feed that rings the bell meaning generates bell sound when you click on the notification. This notification is sent by your manager when a Lead is Closed as Won

Sales News

  • Sales News is your default landing page in both Web and mobile

  • You can view the latest news / announcements published by your Organization Managers

My Pipeline

  • My Pipeline is your personal pipeline view where you can see

    • Your KPI information

    • Your Leads generated by you or assigned to you

    • Contact Companies and Persons information

Sales Community

  • Sales Community is an aggregated view of entire organization and here you can view status of all the leads that are currently live in your organization

  • You can easily search for your lead by filtering the Leads by Stages

  • This page also displays the real-time view of Organizational KPIs

Professional & Manager Users

The System is equally easy for Professional & Manager users and they can also quickly create Leads and Track Leads just the way basic users use the application.

However, there are few additional features made available for Professional Users and Manager Users such as

  • Accepting Handshake

  • Managing Lead Life-Cycle and Managing the Lead Pipeline

  • View Organizational dashboards for performance tracking

  • Multi-Organization Views

  • Manage Sales News

  • Manage Multi-Integrations


Pulse Dashboard and Integrations feature is only available on Web and only available for manager user.

Read More

Refer to below articles for detailed information about various features and processes present in LeadX Platform

LeadX Data Definition

What is Parent Organization & Child Organization

What is Lead, Contact, Sales news, Sales Activities, Tasks

How to Manage Leads

What is Pulse Dashboard

What is My Pipeline, Sales Community, Activities

LeadX Support

For any kind of Support please contact LeadX Customer Success Team @ Support@leadx.no

Welcome to LeadX Experience !
