LeadX platform stores following type of information in the System

Type of Information


Parent Organization

Parent Organization is an Organization or Company of a Tenant that is Customer of LeadX

Child Organization

Child Organization is an Organization or Company which is Vendor or Channel Partner of Parent Organization

You can see Child Organizations only if Multi Organization feature is enabled and you are logged in as Manager


A Lead is a basic information captured in LeadX platform. A Lead in LeadX contains basic information about the Lead along with Company, Contact person, Lead Value, Lead Value currency etc.

A Lead can be Closed as Won or Lost in LeadX Platform. A Lead can also be Parked in LeadX platform if there is no major activity related to the Lead

The term Lead can be a potential new customer or existing Customer having specific requirement. Leads usually contains piece of requirement and contact and Company information


The term contact designates an individual Person or a Company who has a specific requirement or service request. Contact can also be a company representative responsible for discussing requirements or purchasing services

In LeadX there are 2 types of Contact

  • Contact Company : Name / information of the company associate with a Lead

  • Contact Person: Name of the representative of the Company who point of contact and responsible for sharing the requirement or purchasing services

For Norwegian customers, LeadX Platform provides Brreg Integration to pull Public Information of the Company that is established in Norway and registered in Norway

Sales News

Manager User can generate an organization wide announcement which is visible to all types of LeadX users. Such announcement is termed as Sales News in LeadX

Only Manager User can create or manage Sales News in LeadX Platform

Sales Feed

The Sales Feed in LeadX is a notification generated by the System after specific activities occur in LeadX Platform

There are 2 types of Sales Feeds

  • Sales Feed notification generated after specific action taken for a Lead

  • Sales Feed generated after manager uses Ring the Bell feature after winning a Lead

LeadX 2.0 onward, Ring the Bell feature generates a Push notification for all mobile users. Mobile Users can click on the notification to view the notification and at the same time hear Bell sound

Lead Sales Activity

The Sales Activity in LeadX platform is utilized for creating a Lead specific activity that is usually performed by a sales professional while working on the Lead.

LeadX provides following types of Sales Activitiess :

  • Email

  • Meeting

  • Other

Sales Activity also provides ability to select date and time to plan activity in future. The Sales Activity also allows sales professional to select Company & Contact Person while creating Sales Activity

Lead Task

The Task in LeadX platform is utilized for creating a Lead specific Task that is usually performed by a sales professional while working on the Lead.

The major difference between Lead Sales Activity & Lead Task is that sales professional doesnt have to select type of Task, Company and Person. Also, the Lead Task typically has a deadline which can be selected by sales professional while creating the Task.

Lead Task is very useful for preparing individual Action Plan which can be tracked via Activities Page (on Web) or Screen (on Mobile)


The Notes feature can be utilized for capturing and recording any specific information or discussion related to the Lead. This information is usually available along with the Lead and any one who has access to the Lead can view the Notes.