LeadX Documentation : Sales News feature

Sales News is a default Landing page or screen after logging into LeadX Platform.

The Sales News page or screen displays the news generated by Manager User and the information is displayed to all the Users

The below image displays the layout of Sales News Page on Web and in Mobile

Sales News screen on Web

For manager user the Sales News page on the web displays options such as

  • All : To display all the news in the Sales News page

  • Published : Display only News published by logged in User

  • Draft: The News created by logged in User but not published

Manager User can click on Published option to view the Published News.

Create Sales News

To Create Sales news

  • Login as a Manager User to LeadX web application or Mobile App using valid User Credentials

  • To generate Sales News click Create sales news button to view following Popup

  • Enter News Title

  • Select and Upload appropriate image for News

  • Enter the News description

  • Click Preview to Preview the Sales news before publishing the News

  • You can save the news as Draft by clicking Save as draft button. If you click Save as draft button then the news will be saved but not displayed in the Sales News Page

    • You can always edit the news saved as draft and click Publish button to publish the news

  • You can click Publish button to publish Save and Publish the news

  • You can click Reset button to clean all entered information

Edit Sales News

  • Login as a Manager User to LeadX web application or Mobile App using valid User Credentials

  • To edit Sales News click Published option to view following Popup

  • Click Edit button displayed under the desired Sales News

  • Edit the News content or Title or Change Image and then Publish the new to display updated news.

Delete Sales News

  • Login as a Manager User to LeadX web application or Mobile App using valid User Credentials

  • To edit Sales News click Published option to view following Popup

  • Click Delete button to delete the desired News and Click Yes button on the the confirmation Popup.

  • The Sales News will be deleted and removed from Sales News page

Unpublish Sales News

  • Login as a Manager User to LeadX web application or Mobile App using valid User Credentials

  • To edit Sales News click Published option to view following Popup

  • Click Unpublish button to delete the desired News and Click Yes button on the the confirmation Popup.

  • The Sales News will be unpublished and moved to the Drafts

    • You can always Publish the news by clicking Publish button for the news present in the Drafts section

Sales News Screen on Mobile

The Sales News screen displayed in the Mobile

You can click on the buttons provided at the bottom section to navigate to:

  • Sales Community

  • My Pipeline

  • Activities

  • Profile