LeadX Documentation : View Profile

You can view your profile information by clicking View Profile button

  • Present after clicking your name provided in the Top right corner on Web

  • Bottom right button (…) provided in the Mobile

The Profile screen is displayed as below on Web

On Mobile

  • You can Update / Edit Profile using Update / Edit Profile button provided on the View Profile screen in Mobile App

  • You can logout of the application using Logout button provided on the View Profile screen in Mobile App

Edit / Update Profile

To Edit or Update Profile

  • Login to LeadX web application or Mobile App using valid User Credentials

  • Go to View Profile screen or page

  • On Web

    • Click Update button

  • On Mobile

    • Click Update / Edit Profile button

  • On Edit Profile you can Update

    • Photo

    • First Name

    • Middle Name

    • Last Name

  • Click Save to save profile information

Please contact Customer Success Team at Support@leadx.no for updating any other information such as Email Address, Phone number License Type information