A Contact is a basic information captured in LeadX platform. A Contact in LeadX contains basic information about the Contact - Company and Contact person .

You can capture following information while capturing the Contact information

Contact - Company Parameters



Role Access

Company Name *

Name of the Company

LeadX 2.0 onward, the Company information can be pulled from Norwegian Register Brreg using Brreg Integration

Basic/ Professional/ Manager

Company Registration Number

The Registration number of Company if available

Basic/ Professional/ Manager

Office Address line 1

Address information of the Company

Basic/ Professional/ Manager

Office Address line 2

Address information of the company

Basic/ Professional/ Manager

Zip/Postal Address

Zip code or Postal Address information of the company

Basic/ Professional/ Manager

Country registered

Name of the Country in which the Company registered

Basic/ Professional/ Manager


State information if available

Basic/ Professional/ Manager


City information if available

Basic/ Professional/ Manager


Website URL of the company

Basic/ Professional/ Manager


International dial Code

Basic/ Professional/ Manager

Phone Number

Phone number of the Company

Basic/ Professional/ Manager

Email Address

Email address of the company

Basic/ Professional/ Manager

Contact Person

Name of the Contact Person

Basic/ Professional/ Manager


Additional Information to be provided regarding company

Basic/ Professional/ Manager

Contact - Person Parameters



Role Access

Company *

Name of the Company

LeadX 2.0 onward, the Company information can be pulled from Norwegian Register Brreg using Brreg Integration

Basic/ Professional/ Manager


Select Prefix from the drop-down

Basic/ Professional/ Manager

First Name *

First name of the Contact person

Basic/ Professional/ Manager

Middle Name

Middle name of the contact person

Basic/ Professional/ Manager

Last Name

Last name of the contact person

Basic/ Professional/ Manager


Title information of the contact person e.g. Manager, CEO , CTO etc.

Basic/ Professional/ Manager

Email Address

Email address of the contact person

Basic/ Professional/ Manager


International dial Code

Basic/ Professional/ Manager

Phone Number

Phone number of the Company

Basic/ Professional/ Manager

Address line 1

Address information of the contact person

Basic/ Professional/ Manager

Address line 2

Address information of the contact person

Basic/ Professional/ Manager


State information if available

Basic/ Professional/ Manager


City information if available

Basic/ Professional/ Manager

Zip/Postal Address

Zip code or Postal Address information of the contact person

Basic/ Professional/ Manager


Additional Information to be provided regarding contact person

Basic/ Professional/ Manager

* Mandatory Information

Create Contact

In LeadX platform Contact can be created:

  • While creating a Lead

  • Using Create Contact button provided in Header section of Web

  • Using Create Contact button provided in popup displayed after clicking + sign present in the header of Screen in Mobile App

To create Contact while creating a New Lead or updating a Lead

  • Login to LeadX web application or Mobile App using valid User Credentials

  • To generate lead

    • In Web

      • Click on Create new lead button provided in the Header section to open New Lead Popup

    • In Mobile

      • Click on + sign provided in the header section

      • A Popup is opened, click on Lead button to open New Lead Screen

  • Enter the necessary information

  • Enter first few letters of the Company name

    • If the Company name is present in the LeadX database then

      • The list of similar company names are displayed and you can select any existing company

      • Else, if and Brreg integration is enabled then LeadX will display list of companies with similar name by pulling information from Brreg

    • User can select the company from LeadX database or information pulled from Brreg

    • If User selects the company pulled from Brreg then LeadX will create a new Company in LeadX database using the information received from Brreg

    • If User doesn't select and company from the list and presses Enter, then a new company with the name entered in the company box is created in LeadX and associated with the Lead

  • Enter Contact Person name in the contact person text box

    • If the Contact is present then it will be displayed in the dropdown and you can select the Contact person

    • If you don’t select the Contact person and press enter then LeadX will create a new Contact Person and associate it with Company and Lead

  • Click Save to Save Lead and Contact Company , Person information

To create Contact using Create new Contact - Company feature

  • Login to LeadX web application or Mobile App using valid User Credentials

  • To create Contact

In Web
  • Click on Create new contact button provided in the Header section to open New contact Popup

  • Click Contact button

  • Start entering the Company Name, if Brreg integration is enabled

    • The list of similar company names will be displayed in the drop down

    • If you select a specific company name then LeadX will pull all the information of that Company and populate

      • Company registration number

      • Office address line 1

      • Zip/Postal address

      • Country registered

      • State etc.

    • If you don't select Company from the selected list of companies then LeadX will create a new company after all information is filled and Saved

    • Enter other necessary information

    • Click Save

  • A new Company will be created in LeadX application

In Mobile
  • Click on + sign provided in the header section

  • A Popup is opened, click on Contact button to open New Contact Screen

  • Click Company button

  • Start entering the Company Name, if Brreg integration is enabled

    • The list of similar company names will be displayed in the drop down

    • If you select a specific company name then LeadX will pull all the information of that Company and populate

      • Company registration number

      • Office address line 1

      • Zip/Postal address

      • Country registered

      • State etc.

    • If you don't select Company from the selected list of companies then LeadX will create a new company after all information is filled and Saved

    • Enter other necessary information

    • Click Save

  • A new Company will be created in LeadX application

To create Contact using Create new Contact - Person feature

  • Login to LeadX web application or Mobile App using valid User Credentials

  • To create Contact

In Web
  • Click on Create new contact button provided in the Header section to open New contact Popup

  • Click Person button

  • Start entering the Company Name, if Brreg integration is enabled

    • The list of similar company names will be displayed in the drop down

    • If you select a specific company name then LeadX will pull all the information of that Company and populate

      • Company registration number

      • Office address line 1

      • Zip/Postal address

      • Country registered

      • State etc.

    • If you don't select Company from the selected list of companies then LeadX will create a new company after all information is filled and Saved

    • Enter other necessary information

    • Click Save

  • A new Contact person will be created in LeadX application

In Mobile
  • Click on + sign provided in the header section

  • A Popup is opened, click on Contact button to open New Contact Screen

  • Click Person button

  • Start entering the Company Name, if Brreg integration is enabled

    • The list of similar company names will be displayed in the drop down

    • If you select a specific company name then LeadX will pull all the information of that Company and populate

      • Company registration number

      • Office address line 1

      • Zip/Postal address

      • Country registered

      • State etc.

    • If you don't select Company from the selected list of companies then LeadX will create a new company after all information is filled and Saved

    • Enter other necessary information

    • Click Save

  • A new Contact person will be created in LeadX application