LeadX Platform provides user a feature to add a Task or a Lead Task. The basic difference between Task and Lead Task is that Lead Task is always associated with a Lead, however, Task can be associated with a Lead or not.

Task / Lead Task Parameters



Role Access

Task *

Description of the Task

Professional / Manager

Deadline *

Task end date / deadline

Professional / Manager

Lead Title

Select Lead from the drop-down, if present

Professional / Manager

* Mandatory Information

Lead Task

Lead Task as a type of task which can be added by Lead Owner for a specific Lead

The Lead Task allows user to create planned event which is associated with a Lead and can be viewed in the Activities

Only Professional User or Manager User has access to generate Lead Tasks or Tasks

To create Lead Task

  • Login to LeadX web application or Mobile App using valid User Credentials

  • Go to My Pipeline

    • On Web, click on My Pipeline present in the left Menu Panel

    • On Mobile, Click on the My Pipeline button present at the bottom of the mobile

  • Select the desired Lead to update

On Web
  • The Update Popup or screen is displayed

  • To add new Event

    • Scroll to the bottom of the popup or page

    • Click on + sign present in the header of Planned Events box to open Create Event popup

    • You can add event as

      • Lead Task

      • Note

    • To add new Lead Task

      • Click Lead Task button

      • Enter the necessary information

      • Enter the Deadline and click Save

    • On Saving the Lead Task the task gets associated with the Lead

    • You can also view the task in Activities

On Mobile
  • The Lead detailed screen is displayed with basic information about the lead

  • The screen displays three sections Planned Events, History and Notes to show existing events, history information and Notes information

  • To add new Lead Task

    • Click Add new task button present under Planned events

    • A New task screen is displayed

    • Enter the necessary information

    • Enter Deadline

    • click Save

  • On Saving the Lead Task the task gets associated with the Lead

  • You can also view the task in Activities


To create Task

  • Login to LeadX web application or Mobile App using valid User Credentials

  • Go to Activities

    • On Web, click on Activities present in the left Menu Panel

    • On Mobile, Click on the Activities button present at the bottom of the mobile

  • To Create Sales Activity

On Web
  • To add new Task

    • Click on + sign present in the header of Tasks box to open Create new Task Popup

    • Enter Task details

    • Enter the deadline

    • Select the Lead if present

      • If you select the Lead that is present in the Lead title box then the Task will get saved as Lead Task

    • click Save

On Mobile
  • To add new Task

    • Click on + sign present under Tasks section to open Create new Task screen

    • Enter Task details

    • Enter the deadline

    • Select the Lead if present

      • If you select the Lead that is present in the Lead title box then the Task will get saved as Lead Task

    • click Save