LeadX Documentation : Parent Organization

A Parent Organization in LeadX platform is the organization or company information of a Customer of LeadX. The Parent Organization information is captured by LeadX Customer Success Team while on-boarding a new Customer to LeadX platform

Parent Organization is a primary information captured in LeadX and all other information in LeadX is associated with Parent Organization.

The below chart explains the relationship between Parent Organization and other information captured in LeadX

The Parent organization maintains the information about:

  • License & Subscription information

    • Subscription Start Date

    • Subscription End Date

  • Users and Licenses associated to the Users

  • Organizational Logo

  • Currency Information

    • Base Currency

    • Additional Currencies

  • Timezone

  • Date Format

  • Address Information

  • Default Language

Know more about Multi-Organization Feature introduced in LeadX 2.0